You don't often get to see an anatomically correct-extra-credit-
chocolate-human heart cake... but alas you will today. I am not easily impressed but this cake looked great and the myocardium has never tasted better! Actually, I think I see the left circumflex artery too. Enjoy.
[Link to Full Size Cake Heart]
Courtesy of Jaclyn.
I wish our class got cake!!!
yes it was yummy, glad to be part of monday lab =] i think i got a piece of the left ventricle, it was tasty!
We didn't get cake.
Make cake and you get cake :)
Geez...I have a hard enough time with funfetti cake in a square pan! I couldn't imagine being this is a great way to learn the heart though.
We should have a cake dissection... and then eat it =)
thats a pretty good looking cake! to bad wend lab didn't get cake! but she did a great job
Whoever made this ♥cake must be pretty awesome!!!
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